Tribe Membership Fee Options:
Full Payment: 10,000 Pesos
- The full payment option allows members to enjoy a seamless, uninterrupted year of Tribe benefits with a one-time payment of 10,000 pesos.
Split Pay Option : 5795 upfront then 5795 after 30 days
- For those who prefer a more budget-friendly approach, Tribe offers a split pay option where you pay 5795 now and then 5795 after 30 days.
Membership Duration:
- Both payment options grant a full year of Tribe membership benefits, including access to exclusive content, community events, and professional development resources. However, if you missed your second payment, your membership will be unenrolled and you will have to re-enroll to have your membership reinstated.
To proceed with the enrollment, you can go to this link:
For further questions regarding this, please email us at