After your successful payment, expect to receive your Atlas LMS access within 48 hours. Watch your inbox closely for an email titled "Your TFMT Member Site Login Info." This email contains your login details for accessing our Atlas LMS.

Please note: If you already have an existing account at (for instance, if you previously signed up for our free resources), you won't receive this email. Instead, use your existing account to access the lessons.


Once you have access, follow these steps to access the Tribe's lessons:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Click the button with your initial located in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Check whether you have "regular access" or "member access."
  4. If you still have regular access, click "Switch Role," then select "Member Access."
  5. If you already have the "member access', proceed to this link for the introduction to ATLAS LMS: Welcome to Atlas LMS.



If you haven't received member access, kindly email us at so we can check your account further.